A different kind of defence
PhD candidate Anna van Yperen from the Department of Geoscience at the University of Oslo conducted her defence digitally. Anna was the second candidate to do so at the department.
Her PhD thesis was entitled "From river to delta: down-dip changes in facies, architecture, and key stratigraphic surfaces in a low-accommodation setting" and was defended on the 1st of April 2020.
Read more about her project here.
Photo: © Anna van Yperen
Anna describes her thoughts when handling her trial lecture in this unique situation, that may soon become somewhat normal:
"At that time, there were no clear rules on whether you could record the trial lecture in several takes and just combine them to make one awesome video without any mistakes - or not."
"My supervisor advised strongly against that. In a 45 min recording, there will be always something that you wish you would have done/said differently and it is important to remember that these videos may potentially have a long life on the internet…"
"Perfect is the enemy of good."
"To avoid the inevitable mistakes, you can either record it many times; every time it will take 45 minutes and it is quite boring to talk to your screen instead of an audience. Or, you record it a couple of times, choose the best version, and accept that some things are just not as smooth as you would have liked them to be."
"The latter will save you a lot of time and energy (and so I did). Perfect is the enemy of good."
Trial Lecture: "Factors and processes controlling depositional style in cratonic basins"
Dr. Anna van Yperen
Congratulations Anna on completing your doctorate!